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3 years ago
Emmanuel Nqabeni

Training Coronation budgeting basics is the best innovation people love this method and attendance is so wow people are happy and enjoying the class. The information is superb because of the skill they are getting

3 years ago
Bongiwe Mafuya

Green Business Value Chain programe is almost in the last critical stage which exposes participants to reality to expect when they start producing charcoal . In these 2 sessions we focused on PRODUCT which is one of the 5 critical factors of running a business . We were breaking down Product Value Proposition looking at topics and connecting to the Value chain . Participants were asked why they've decided to be charcoal producers this question aimed at helping participants to connect their businesses to environmental impact in solving the South African climate change problem and be able to identify their customers who need to comply with environmental laws by doing so these businesses will make profit from other revenue streams like ecosystem services and more products from burning process and clearing. This is the selection stage where real charcoal producers will show of themselves and grab the opportunity.

3 years ago
Bongiwe Mafuya

I had a priviledge to train Mabhobho community , they are in a 2 to 5 years learnership in Horticulture, The group consist of illiterate groups and educated groups , first sessions of the 3 modules was attended by most iliterate group in a 2 years learnership, this group had participants full of wisdom and have attended Money Fo Sho trainings before Module 1 to 3 was relevant to them and I also learnt lot from them . Their engagements were encouraging , it was fulfiling to hear how they value the training and see potential to turn around their financial life , They realized sense of emergency of financial behaviour change in the 2 years they've been awarded the learnership. The rest of the group is youth with secondary and tertiary education but have been forced to marriages by circumstances, they are willing to use the 5 years learnership to start businesses, invest some of their stipend for future after learnership .Some have identified boosting income ideas within horticulture which will see them as suppliers other than employees, horticulture is broad this training helped them to identify opportunities within . Exposed in salary for the first time and had a chance to be trained about finances before the first pay Cheque. Participants no longer see big cities as the only business opportunity places but see financial literacy training as the solution to poverty and dependency on grants . I'm hoping the remaining participants will get this type of training which will help them rebuild their lives with financial future

3 years ago
Boiketlo Molokomme

Coronation financial literacy training at Rebone. It was raining but that didn't stop my participants to attend. They all came, even though some came late, we waited until everyone was there. They were very energetic and wanted to learn. They received the information positively,and when I told them about MM they were interested and wanted to attend all modules. Thank you Coronation for providing our communities with information that helps them to be financially smart.

3 years ago
Tlou Mantoa Matlala-Lebang

I would like to take this opportunity to thank coronation for empowering the community and myself as a Trainer. Covid 19 protocols were observed at all times during training sessions however most participants they feel relaxed and they sometimes forget the musk or social distancing. participants were excited about financial literacy Training. Participants were very appreciative of the critical knowledge given to them for free Training came to them at the right time as financial literacy knowledge is needed to youth and adults(Disadvantaged or advantaged individuals)it was eazy this time around to get groups as communities are hungry for knowledge. the pandemic has teached a lot of us the importance of respecting money and life. every individual has a story to tell and they all include money. I really appreciate the opportunity to be the messenger of education to the community. I am learning every time when I am on stage facilitating the program. Thank you Avo Team

3 years ago
Tlou Mantoa Matlala-Lebang

I would like to take this opportunity to thank coronation for empowering the community and myself as a Trainer. Covid 19 protocols were observed at all times during training sessions however most participants they feel relaxed and they sometimes forget the musk or social distancing. participants were excited about financial literacy Training. Participants were very appreciative of the critical knowledge given to them for free Training came to them at the right time as financial literacy knowledge is needed to youth and adults(Disadvantaged or advantaged individuals)it was eazy this time around to get groups as communities are hungry for knowledge. the pandemic has teached a lot of us the importance of respecting money and life. every individual has a story to tell and they all include money. I really appreciate the opportunity to be the messenger of education to the community. I am learning every time when I am on stage facilitating the program. Thank you Avo Team

3 years ago
bonganiw magagula

It was a great experience when Avocado Vision partner with Clientele and make it possible for me to train more than 299 participant in different communities. It was a touching when i attend the CWP participant at Phameni discover that their payment its over due, they didn't receive their payment. Another lady approached and ask "how can I have carriage to upskill them while they dint receive their payment. My respond was I have come in a right and place so that you can learn to manage the you are about to receive. I fruitfully trained the group about how they can managed their money better and safety. The session have transformed their mind from current situation to a need of managing their money better and safety.

3 years ago
Ronnie Mokoena Mokoena

What a great day with the participants who attended the MM Modules from module 1 to 7, the participants were asking questions relating to Insurance,UIF and Pension and Retirement fund. Yolanda Tlale she has been struggling to received her father's uif after he passed on and still she hasn't received a cent to date. She wasn't happy with the way Labour Dept responded to her father's claim as she was send from pillar to post without any assistance. As for Keabetsoe she only got UIF from the new employer and did not get anything from her previous employers. Yolanda has happy to hear that she can apply for her own retirement plan as she thought the only people who qualify were the people who are getting regular income only.

3 years ago
Mpho Motshegoe

I would like to thank Clientele for empowering us to empower our community with Financial Skills training. Our sessions went very well and venue's for trainings were offered by community leaders and Church leaders respectively. This shows us that indeed working together we can build a better South Africa. Attendance was very good and most of our sessions started on time. We also observed Covid-19 health protocols. Most of our participants were unemployed youth and few pensioners. One of our sessions we had people living with disabilities with the help of a sign language interpreter we managed to empower them with Financial Skills. Most of the participants appreciated the training program,usable tips and the beautiful content. The content was extremely informative and incredibly useful. Thank you to the program manager and Avo team for your endless support and service provided. You have done a wonderful job and on behalf of my community I appreciate all your efforts. The material was very interesting and the discussions were truly inspiring. Most participants particularly enjoyed the visual illustrations, which made the content easily understandable. Thank you once again to Avo team and everyone who was involved in the preparation and execution of the training. You have all done a wonderful job. I look forward partnering with you as we continue to build better communities in our beloved Country South Africa Sincerely, Mpho Motshegoe

3 years ago
Ronnie Mokoena Mokoena

Another fruitful session of MM Module 5, the participants were excited to have this session as they're able to discuss the challenges facing their businesses and the opportunities that came with covid 19 level 5 and 4. Particularly Machere who lost all her goods from suppliers in Turkey due to covid. She lost her paid clothing and jewellery stock as no travelling were allowed and she could not afford to pay for the storage. She and other participants learned that having a business insurance is a priority to overcome such challenges. Opportunities were also raise that they started to look for other opportunities within the community to keep their Businesses. Though they lost assets through the whole process, but they were happy to share that covid has opened other opportunities that were not familiar with like sanitizers and masks.