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4 years ago
Ronnie Mokoena Mokoena

The journey has been quite amazing even with some challenges relating to the pandemic. Some related challenges were having to find a venue that is conjusive to covid 19 regulations, minimum resources when training other districts within the Free State.

4 years ago
Bakang Samuel Molale

I was training Kagung Community on Clientele Money Fo Sho Financial Literacy. We had a great session and participants asked relevant questions and they were engaging on all topics. Thanks to Clientele/Avo Partnership for making it possible for us to empower our communities.

4 years ago
Emmanuel Nqabeni

Training online was and it is still a great opportunity and it has so many challenges more especially we are not subsidized with data and Loadshedding has to be a factor in so many cases you end up canceling sessions

4 years ago
Ningi Sibisi

Metropolitan This is the most exciting training for the young ones. I wish I received this training when I was young because it motivates. Most school learners who attended this training thought business can happen once they have completed school. However, some were already in different business and the training helped them realised they were on the right track. A lot of business ideas were shared. After the training I continued to support those who needed more information. This training will make a great impact if it can be face to face. Teahcers were happy about the programme. Most of the learners I trained were from Mbhudula High and Dr Nembule. Challenges Mnay sessions had to be cancelled because learners were not responding. Some session took more than 3 hours to allow learners to respond as they were disappearing during the session.

4 years ago
Ningi Sibisi

Sanlam Budgeting basics The training brought light to many participants as they thought budgeting is for people with a lot of money or have stable jobs. The training came at the right time when some people have lost jobs or salaries cut. Sharing budgeting tips made them realise that there are other means to survive the lockdown. It was touching to hear participants sharing how Covid has affected their lives financially but towards the end they realise they can start some small businesses to make ends meet. Modular training I had 1 group from the organisation called SAPWA which i trained on 6 modules. It was training people who are employed and some had small businesses. The popular module was boosting income and many tips were shared. It feels to see people identifying opportunities from their communities. This is proof that people lack information to make sound financial decisions.

4 years ago
Nontobeko Mabaso

I was training in deep rural Mzinyathi in KZN,doing Clientele Money fosho,our participant's welcomed this training with open minds,relevant questions were asked,you could see that they related to what we were training them on.Some participants had to leave before even signing the register because they rely on a water truck for everyday water supply,the truck came as we were about to begin and most of my participants had to go,I couldn't expect them to sit through the 6 hour training and go home to no water for their household because the water truck was not going to wait for them.The remaining 14 were active and enjoyed the training.

4 years ago
Babalwa Jama

Money Modular - Coronation the training was conducted in Philippi at Masiphumelele Old age home. Attendees are from the local. We had different ages which was very interesting. The training took about 5 days and most of participants were interested in every topic. The attendance and participation was great every day. The highlighted topics were Saving and investing, managing debts, black tax and business opportunities. They need more business trainings.

4 years ago
bonganiw magagula

Avocado Vision in partnership with Clientele make it possible for some communities to receive financial life skills training program, where they have learned financial literacy. It was a great honor to one the participants in Mganduzweni to receive this life skills. She said " if had this life skills before she could have save a lot of money by now for education and retirement.

4 years ago
Babalwa Jama

Money Fo Sho - Clientell project I conducted a training in De Doorns and in Atlantis these are rural areas in the Western Cape. Most people from thes areas are coming from the Eastern Cape and from Lesotho but they came to these areas looking for jobs. Most of them are working in farms. They have little background of education,most services are not there, they are not exposed in most things. The training was successfull as well as the participation. Most relevant questions were asked. The most highlighted topic was setting goals as well as needs and wants. They learnt a lot in terms of drafting a budget and how to cut their costs. Leadership appreciated the program and they said they need more of such trainings. I would love to conduct more trainings in these areas.

4 years ago
Nontobeko Mabaso

uMzinyathi KZn,training went well for a few days until community leaders made it political.people were told not to come to the training,those who came were threatened,we had to do our last session and move to other places.people actually followed us,their own transport which showed so much interest in the training.its sad that leaders do such things to spite their opponents,forgetting about the community.