
By Nozipho Khuzwayo
Another great opportunity to train communities on Money Fo Sho under Safrican/Amana Shembe Foundation, this took place in Clermont, one of the historical townships in Durban on the 28th and 31st of October. Apparently, when people are called for trainings in the community hall, they only come with the intention of getting food as most people in the area are unemployed but this session was a life changer to the majority of the learners as I managed to first change that attitude before starting the training. As we embarked on the training topics, they were clear that it does not matter how much money you have in your hands but what is important is how you manage it. Much introspection was done and each of them realised that actually they can be able to live better with the little grant they get, all they need to do is to have a plan for their money and stick to it as all the goals can be achieved with even the little change in their budget. Learners were also excited to learn about the goal setting principles and said they could not wait to apply them and see the results. There was a request from Community Leaders for more of such trainings and we promised to bring the training back next year as the project was about to close soon.