
By Lindile Zanda Mpepanduku
A while ago i attended an event that had Traditional Leaders and i was speaking about the work I do with Avocado Vision, the intention was to creat new pipelines for community trainings. One of the Chiefs from Qumbu asked me to contact him when i had trainings lined up. He called a month ago to check if there was anything as he would like his committee and co-operatives in his area to be trained. I was reluctant as Qumbu is a bit far especially if you have to steal go to administrative areas. He assured me that they were about 3km's from town, i took the bait. The distance was almost 40 kms on gravel (he apologised for the untruth and said he really wanted me to come and train his people), at this point i did not care, the training was one of the most enjoyable ones that i have done in a while. It was one of those trainings that you leave knowing that you have made a difference, the conversations on both days were enlightening for me and for them. One of the participants said that he used to work in the mines and his church (ZCC) had taught them about saving and he did that and was able to buy bakkies (to transport people to and from town) he also opened a Spaza in his location and it pains him now because he failed to give his children the same gift of teaching them about the importance of taking care of these business and saving money because his business is dying because of his sons who are reckless with money. The chief, who could not attend any of the sessions due to his brother passing away a day before, send a VN thanking me and Avocado Vision, he said on the VN that the participants were so greatful for this training and some have made commitments to do better in terms of saving. I have also been invited by neighboring villages to also train them, which i plan to do regardless of the distance.