By Ismael Hangula
Sanlam Worksite Training Story: Welkom and Kimberley
On the 7th and 09th of June 2024, I had an opportunity to train Sanlam employees in Northern Cape and in the Free State on Sanlam Worksite Money Modular 2, 4, 5, and 13 respectively. The turnout was very good people having travelled from far flanked areas within their districts and this showed me that the participants were eager and committed to learn and ready to acquire a new skill that will be beneficial in their daily personal life. We had a total of 79 participants combined.
When we started, I made mention of the purpose of the sessions and the topics that will be covered and indicated to them that 'Financial institutions frequently inundate people and workers with offers of credit facilities and this often proves to be problematic if people do not have sufficient financial literacy knowledge. Without appropriate financial education, people run the risk of not being adequately prepared for future events such as paying for their children’s education, saving for the future and retirement, or coping with unforeseen emergencies. Financial stress influences other aspects of people lives such as health and productivity, which ultimately affect families, employers and the society in general". This led to participants opening up on some of their personal experiences.
Since the Advisor's line of work is mostly based on targets and heavily rely on commission and their salaries fluctuating, they saw the saving and investing module being very important and insightful since it showed them the different saving methods that are available for them to save their money for unforeseen events and for future goals. Most of them are not currently saving even though they sell products to clients that relates to savings and investing. Boosting my income module was also received well in light of the fact that in some months where they don't receive business from signing up clients, they will be able to cover their expenses when they have additional income from their side "hustles". I gave them an activity on module 13 to prepare a funeral and to show the cost of a funeral. This gave them a real feel of budgeting/ financing a funeral and the realities associated with planning a funeral.
One participant came to me after the session and indicated that she is expecting to receive money soon from Road Accident Fund and was not sure how to go about saving some of it and that now she attended these sessions she will do further research and explore the saving/ investing methods she learned in class. She indicated that this information came at right time for her, and she is very grateful. I also suggested that she should consult a registered Financial Advisor to see what options can suit her personal and family needs.
The Managers also indicated that they haven't received these types of sessions for more than 13 years and their very grateful and wish Avo can conduct more sessions of this nature. Thank you AVO.