By Nozipho Khuzwayo
The Coronation Money Modular 1-12 Training conducted in April 2024 was a great success! The participants were Early Childwood Development Practitioners on an ECD L4 Learnership programme and they are already in the field based in the Umkumbaan area and the surroundings. Umkumbaan is one of the Historical areas in Durban and enjoys much opportunities under Ethekwini Municipality so choosing this community placed Avocado Vision / Coronation on the map.
The participants were mostly youth which is also our focal point as we believe that money management skills should be instilled early in life. Eventhough the learners were already employed but very few had an idea of budgeting and how its application can change one's life. After doing the modules activities, it was so fulfilling to see how much information was imparted to the group especially on topics such as budgeting, boosting income,managing debt and risk and buying a car/ a house.
The older participants in class shared their bad experiences with money which was like an eye-opener to the young ones as it brought more awareness on the dangers of not managing money and debt wisely. The highlight was topic on credit profiles and scores, they were very interested in understanding the importance of a good credit record as a financial asset and how not taking care of it can ruin your entire life. At the end of the training I could see how the engagement has transformed each and every individual who attended the sessions. The learners were grateful for the opportunity and felt that such trainings are much needed in the Umkumbaan community.