By Babalwa Jama
Streetwise Financial Literacy held in Philippi market for a project called Presidential Employment Program this program was facilitated by Philippi Economic Development Initiative. I trained 380 participants, it was so great to see so much transformation in people's lives. There was a lot of engagement and discussions around finance considering the inflation. However with the methods on how to draft a budget and stick to it was a highlight. I introduced 50%30%20% rule and it made things quiet easy for them. One participant said now that he has written down the budget he can actually see how much he is spending on unnecessary things. They also said dividing needs and wants was an eye opener. This group of people was complaining on how they are under paid but they said after this training they will start savings and set goals for their lives. It is always fulfilling to see such a great transformation and communities start making informed decisions on how to spend their finances.