
By Rachel Rakoloti
I had the opportunity to train worksite sessions at SAPS department in Qwaqwa and Bethlehem, and COPTA department in Bloemfontein. We concentrated on two modules, Module 1 :My budget, and Module 4: Managing debt.When we were digging deep into the budget,they were shocked to see that they have been spending a lot on stuff they should be cutting on. Some of them didn't want to draft their budgets and face the reality of it and there were sad moments of coming to terms of pay day of each month. They all wanted to know how they could get out of over -indebtedness and be free from debt. They were grateful and motivated to bring about change.When it comes to module 4 Managing dept we had one of the workers in the session who works in the finance department who backed up all the information that was given to them in the training and they were truly informed and grateful for the training.