
By bonganiw magagula
MetroKickstarz financial educational and entrepreneurship program, I fruitfully engaged with the Wem combined school principal. In the school I have successfully trained more than 70 learners, some testify that they were well informed in the session and looking forward to apply the skills they have learned. Another girl speak out that she is good in mathematics and she will surely start her torturing business like sinhle to help others learners in need with a amonth of R50 per session. Some say it was a new skills receive and appreciated it was a matter of time to think Brody what business they will start while in school or beyond the classroom. Another young boy said " He have a business of loan shark for a while and is working very well" what motivate this young man to be in the field it's a legacy business that normally runs by his father and He adopted the idea. When I feather ask this young man what are challenges in his business, He said not yet everything has been going well clients respect and pay in time.