
By Rachel Rakoloti
Training was held at Matsikeng Village. It was organised by the chief of the village who wanted training to be attended only by his chosen people in the village. Some of the village members heard about the training and they came to attend and it caused a lot of misunderstanding wich I had to step in and sort it out with the chief of the area. Amongst the attendees were small business owners who were happy to receive the training and they realised that knowing how to manage personal finances is as important as it will help in managing their businesses better. An emphasis was made on saving and investing for their future. With banking they were made aware of different bank accounts for personal finances and for business purposes. The story of Lazarus was both interesting and informative at the same time. It got them engaged a lot and helped them to understand what is Life insurance and the importance of drawing up a will. I still have to go back to the village to negotiate more training sessions with the chief.